Thursday, December 6, 2012


He walks through the hallway and turns into cattle as he yells "mooooove!" Not daring to disobey his wishes, bystanders hurry out of his way.  As cunning as a cat, you can almost see his tail flick side to side as he stays low in a crouch and plans his attack before he pounces.  Suddenly, the tail stops.  He rises from the crouch, having decided not to pounce, but to instead carefully approach the parents.  He pauses for a moment in front of the two, and considers his options, one is more likely to say yes, but one is more likely to give him more time, though less likely to say yes.  Ready for a challenge, he licks his lips and steps in front of his father.  Taking his best shot, he turns into a business man and compromises; he gets to go to the game and when he comes home he'll vacuum.  Father takes a breath... and then shakes his head.  Refusing to be turned down, he turns to the other, but before he is given the chance to offer up his proposal, he is denied.  His eyes flash and he transforms into a raging, beastly bull, ready to run over anything in his way.  

Things are thrown and broken.  He tornadoes through the house, leaving a path of destruction behind him.  When he gets back to his den, he lets loose a  thunderclap of sound as  he closes his door none too gently.  The wildfire now contained, the people come back out of hiding and observe the result of his fury.  They all agree, the beast needs to be tamed.

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