Thursday, December 13, 2012

Prompt Sentence

The silence between them sprung up like a fortress wall, impenetrable and forbidding. The young delinquent licked her lips, a nervous habit, though it came across as menacing.  The teacher was completely terrified. 
She had witnessed the girl kill Mary and was now wondering what the girl could do to her.

Evelynn,  however, was no longer in the mood.  Her anger had passed and she was now almost on the verge of remorse, almost.

A door slammed and her father and the principal stormed in.  Seeming to cross the room in one step, her dad was suddenly in front of her.  He slapped her across the face, and the impact gave way to a flashback.

They were in history, learning about prisons, Alcatraz specifically.  She stood there, completely perfect.  Suddenly, her flawless features creased.  "What if all of us were sent to Alcatraz?  That would be crazy, but I wonder if any of us will ever go to real prison..." as she trailed off, her wandering eyes rested on Evelynn. Their eyes met and Mary looked away and blushed a light embarrassed pink.  She's thinking of Henry.  She thinks that just because my brother was sent to jail, I'll end up there too. Evelynn's eyes blazed and after the bell rang, she had eyes for only one person.  It was lunch and about now Mary was normally found lost in thought in the left wing,  Sure enough, Evelynn found her leaning casually against the wall next to the bubbler.  As she approached, Mary came away from the wall and managed to get out "Evelynn,I didn't mean-" before Evelynn had her hands around Mary's neck.  Evelynn grinned at the wide, pleading eyes.  "I'm...sorry", Mary managed to gasp out.  This, however, only angered Evelyn more. Her wicked grin turned to a mask of rage.  Keeping her hands on Mary's neck, she began to bash Mary's perfect face against the bubbler.  Her nose started gushing and the sight of blood brought back Evelyn's evil and satisfied grin.  The noise, however, had also brought back teachers into the hallway. Mrs.Worros got there first and frantically tried to pull Evelynn off of Mary.  Angered once more, Evelynn decided to hurry things up.  Mary hadn't died as fast as Evelynn had expected and she now resorted to plan B.  Releasing her grasp on the other girl, Evelynn took a knife out of her back pocket and repeatedly stabbed the barely-conscious girl.  Mrs.Worros, of course, was still trying to peel off Evelynn, so she got stabbed as well.  This was simply a casualty to Evelynn, but when the rest of the teachers came, she knew she couldn't face them all.  Evelynn felt Ms.Gnuoy pull her back and she let her drag her to the office.

Evelynn finally reached remorse.  Maybe she shouldn't have killed her.  After all, they had been friends once.  But that was long ago, and now all Evelynn remembered was the apologetic face and pleading eyes.  Mary had been trying to apologize.  She couldn't help her straying eyes and it had just been a simple glance.  She didn't deserve this.  Everything that Evelynn had just done hit her, and it hit her hard.  She crumpled into tears and barely listened to her father's furious words.  "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?  OH, I KNOW, YOU WEREN'T THINKING!  YOU'RE JUST LIKE YOUR BROTHER."  He took a breath and calmed down a bit.  "You know, I expected more of you.  I guess I shouldn't have.  You're definitely your mother's daughter, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

This, oddly enough, was true.  The reason that Evelynn had such severe anger problems was due to the fact that her whole family on her mom's side all had a history of problems with anger management.  But Evelynn didn't know that.  She thought something was wrong with her.  In fact, I'm a monster, was her last thought before she jumped.

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