Thursday, December 13, 2012

Whatever..I Guess

Author's Note: This is my prediction for the ending of an original piece called "Whatever".  This is for my prediction score.  Oh, and btw, I sound really harsh in this essay and I seriously am not that harsh and I don't really have a problem with laid back people, it just makes a better essay.
Don't worry, if my last opportunity door
closes, I'll just jump through a window.
Normal is no more.
It was so last season.
Don't bother talking to me,
I've lost all reason
I think it's somewhere under my bed
Or maybe in my black hole closet
Lost it just like my marbles, my poor head

People  glance at me, once, then twice
I bet they're jealous, just kidding.
My life is a dice
That is not at all even
'Cause I'm just odd
And I'm sittin' here believin'
That somethin' good is gonna happen to me
But do I really want it to?
Because I'm fine as you can see
Maybe insane, but that's no crime
Over optimistic, but not at all friendly.
Never in a rush, I've got time.

I'm just an average joe
Only a step up from a crazy cat lady
I've got a pet squirrel, he's my bro
I'm a crazy insane psychopath
A lazy bum, couch potato
That aced his way through math
Whatever, I don't care,
It don't matter
I've seen my fair share
Of things, in this world
Now I'm on to the next
'Cause I've spun and jumped and been twirled
I've eaten and slept, swam and flew.
Been to the moon and back, even held a star
But did that really happen, no one knew
'Cause I'm just me
In my own world, takin' on life by the stride
Me. Just me.  It's all I'll ever be.

And it was all I ever was
Until I met her
That ice 'twas
The stone that broke
My window
Life was a dream and then I awoke
To realize reality was a nightmare
I was livin in a box of glass, and the loss shattered my world
She was my only care
Now I have none
Not a care in the world,
I should be havin fun
Yet instead I'm
Watching the same episode
Of Law & Order for the fifth time

I'm sure you have someone in your life that is just a complete slacker.  That's exactly what Whatever is about, "a lazy bum, couch potato".  Whatever is a piece that has a really laid back "I don't care" feeling.  I had a lot of fun writing it and I thought it would be fun to try to do a bit more with it.  So, I wrote an ending to this piece.  I believe my ending is correct.

I predicted Whatever would end this way due to the fact that it is a comedy.  Everything starts off normal, but then nothing else happened.  This piece need a conflict and then a return to normalcy.  Henceforth, the "ice" between the man and this mysterious girl and the return to watching T.V., presumably on the couch. 

As I said before, this guy was a slacker.  He needed to be taught a lesson.  Though it may be cruel, shattering his fragile little heart seemed like the perfect way for him to learn. 

Two similar characters can be found in the songs "I'm Awesome" by Spose  and "The Lazy Song" by Bruno Mars.  If you're "eatin' at McDonalds because Subway's pricey" and eating it while you're " lounging on the couch just chilling in my Snuggie", then you're exactly what Whatever is about. Though the songs are like the original Whatever and they don't really have an ending, we can assume that if a conflict ever appears in their life they will just return to their normal care-free selves after it is resolved.

All three of these men needed to take things more seriously.  They didn't have a care in the world.  Then "Mr.Whatever" found someone that he actually cared about, but he realized this too late, and he was back to not having a care in the world.  Too bad he didn't know not caring would be his downfall.

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