Sunday, October 14, 2012

Patriot's Pen Essay

What would you tell America's founding father's? This being unspecific, I kept my answer vague. I would tell America's founding fathers to treat everyone equally. But I shouldn't even have to write this essay, because time travel isn't possible.

Let me tell you why I think it's stupid. Time travel is something you dream about, it's not reality.  You only read about it in books, like The Time Traveler's Wife, or see it in movies, like Back to the Future. So if it's unrealistic, I don't think we should be required to write an essay about it.  The question is quote on quote "what would I tell America's founding fathers?"  The question implies that time travel is already invented.  A better question would be: what would I tell America's founding fathers if it was possible to time travel?  Even then that would be a stupid question because if time travel was invented, why would you go back to boring old colonial times that are full of plague and starvation? My point is that this essay topic is completely stupid and you might think this essay is completely stupid, but I don't care.  I just needed something to write about so I didn't get an F on this assignment.  So, sorry for bringing time travel into all this, but I needed something to make this essay a little bit more interesting.

Alright, I had my fun.  I'll keep the conclusion serious. Our founding father's did the best that they knew how.  It's not like they had built a whole country  from ground up before.  They did all they could, but if we were given the chance to go back and change things, we would.  That's just the way the cookie crumbles.


  1. I like how you brought a book into your essay to kind of relate and connect to your essay! Nice job!

  2. I liked the voice in your essay, it made the story really funny.
