Tuesday, October 16, 2012

If You Thought The Original Ending Was Bad, Then This Is Even Worse!

Author's Note: In this piece I used an original piece, Memoir, to demonstrate my understanding of Cause/Effect

Memoir is about how I was riding my bike, and then a mosquito bit me.  I then itched the mosquito bite, and fell off of my bike after I hit a bump in the road.  I went inside the house and got cleaned up and it ends with me thinking of how I could have gotten brain damage.

The climax of this story is when I decide to itch my mosquito bite. (I know, interesting story right?  It's actually a pretty good piece.  You should read it after you finish  reading this.)  It isn't me getting bit, because I could still decide not to itch it.

The causes are:

Me not putting on bug spray.
Me getting bit my a mosquito.
The mosquito bit itching.

The effects are:

Me only having one arm to use and therefore not having enough power to steady the bike when it hits the bump in the road.
Me getting hurt.
Me having to put on gauze pads and Neosporen.

However, everything would change if I just hadn't itched the mosquito bite.  When I would hit the bump in the road, I would just tighten my grip and steady the handle bars.  Then I'd finish riding down the hill and I'd be perfectly fine.

What if one little detail changed?  What would have happened if I hadn't worn my helmet?  I would have crashed and split my head open.  I would have just lied there, bleeding until someone came outside.  Then I would have been rushed to the hospital and I would have had to have gotten stitches.  They might have even of had to cut off some of my hair!

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