Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sucky School Schedule

Okay, so I'm sure you've heard the whole "I'm a teenager, my life sucks" thing before, but I'm a teenager and my life sucks.  The thing that has the biggest suck factor is school.  Granted, I have some good classes, but then there are some really, really awful classes.  Some of those bad classes are gym, math, and science.

We should not be graded on how physically fit we are.  I think that that is bull..... cow.  Yeah, that's bull cow!  The school talks about how bullying is bad, but they're kind of bullying the kids that aren't fit by doing this.  Those kids have to go home and explain to their parents that the reason they have a bad grade in gym is because they physically couldn't do the test.  No child should be put in that position.  Speaking of miserable children...

Math is bad enough because it's so difficult and boring, but then you add a nasty teacher?  I'm not going to say who, but I loath one of the teachers in the math learning center.  I never talk to that teacher unless I absolutely have to.  Though even without talking to them, I can still feel them.  It's like they're some vile disease that spreads throughout the room and lurks in the corners.  No matter where you go, they'll still be watching, just waiting for you to take one little step out of place, or make one wrong move.  And then they'll pounce.  It's like they take pleasure in children's misery.  Then there's also the subject itself. I don't care how many times you tell me that math is needed in life, I'm still gonna say that it's pointless.  Fine, I get that we need addition and subtraction and all that basic stuff, but when are we ever going to use the quadratic equation?  What is the point of learning something if you're never going to use it?  That brings me to my next subject...

Science.  No one uses it unless they have a job that has to do with it.  How many students are going to go into a field that deals with science?  Probably less than ten.  So the entire school has to learn the subject just for those specific students?  Science should be a class that we choose to take.  I want to be an author.  What does writing have to do with figuring out if a diet coke or a normal coke floats in water?  Please, someone explain that to me.  I am dying to know when I'm going to need to use science.

Ah, that feels much better.  You always feel so relieved after you've had a good rant.   Anyway, my point is that school is lame.  The only reason I actually try in school is so I  get good grades so I can go to a good college.  At that good college I will take writing classes, classes that have nothing to do with fitness, math, or science.


  1. This is hilarious. I Love the voice that you have. I think that in gym and science you should put more description and personal experiences in it.

  2. Wow... awesome! Very creative transitions... love the end to beginning. Great job!
