Monday, January 16, 2012

Light of the Dark

Author's Note: This is from the point of view of a dead man who wants to trade places with his living brother so he can be with the love of his life.

Ghosts, ghosts of the night
Shadows of my old fright
Drifting souls with no skin
An empty shell, no life within
"Spirit, spirit on the other side
How do I reach you if  I am held back by the tide?
This river is holding me back from the light
Help me, help me, spirit of the night
 Sing me the song of the dark
Ignite my love with your spark
I long for my love and her beating heart
We shall unite and never part"
"Oh brother dear, you do not deserve to be here
But you must understand why I shan't shed a tear
I deserve to be with her
So I am living, but not alive, as neither of us ever were."

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