Monday, January 30, 2012

Deadly Leaders

    Children wailing, most of them bleeding, wounded, or sick.  A foul and ghastly smell, the stench of death.  The moaning and sobbing of those who are in Death's grasp.  The sounds of Death were the sounds of life for Sarah from Sarah's Key and Katniss The Hunger Games series.  Both of these characters' books follow a similar plot line.
      Both of these girls are kept in horrible conditions.  Katniss is burned and stung by tracker-jackers.  Sarah is underfed, filthy and is forced to "relieve" herself in holes in the ground, although nothing comes as a relief in a place like that.  This leads to many lives lost.   
      In The Hunger Games  series, some people die in the fire that Katniss was burned in, and some were killed by the tracker-jackers that Katniss set loose.  They also die because other children killed them in an act of survival.  Due to being underfed and kept in filthy conditions, many people in Sarah's Key die.  Also, they were killed in gas chambers.
       All of the people dying in these books is due to the people in control.  In The Hunger Games series, the people in control is the Capitol, and in charge of the capitol Is President Snow.  The people in control in Sarah's Key are Hitler's army, and in charge of his army is Adolf Hitler himself.  Both of these leaders forced people to their into camps that resulted in the peoples deaths.  President Snow forced children into the hunger games and Hitler forced people into concentration camps.
     Both of these characters had to grow up very fast to deal with the circumstances of life.  Unfortunately, one of those circumstances included having to look into their siblings eyes and see Death staring back at them.  Heart-breakingly, they had both seen that look before. 

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