Monday, March 4, 2013

Most Embarrassing Moment In My Life!!!

Even though I'm quiet, I 'm a really confident person.  I don't get embarrassed a lot.  But there was one time, this year, where I was truly embarrassed.

It all started in gym...with a scooter. We were playing some weird basketball type game where we had to sit on the scooter and try to throw doge balls in a bucket.  I scooted forward and my weight shifted.  I put my hand on the floor to regain my balance, but my scooter was still moving.  It rolled over my thumb and immediately I felt a sharp pain. My thumb had been cut on one of the metal pieces that attached the wheel to the scooter.  

I raced across the gym to Mr.Schulz but by the time I got there, already there was blood dripping over the side of my thumb. (I'm not exaggerating.)  He put a band-aid on my thumb and I sat down.  I have this stupid hereditary thing called "trauma induced fainting,"  In other words, I see a lot of blood, or go through a lot of pain, and I pass out.  I couldn't control it when I was little, but by now, I had gotten a hold of it. Enough, at least that I didn't go unconscious.  I still got light headed and really pale though.  Mr.Schultz wanted me to go to the nurse, but I told him I couldn't walk, I was too light headed.  So he sent for the nurse and she brought a wheelchair.  Great, I thought.  I look like a big cry baby in a wheelchair when all I did was cut my thumb.

Anyway,she wheeled me down the hallway and to the elevator.  She was about to push the elevator button when she remembered that she had to get something from her mailbox.  With the teachers lounge being right across the hallway, she left me in the hallway after saying she'll be right back.  I'm praying no one will see me when, who, but the principal himself walked into the hallway.  Me still as white as a ghost, he asked if I was okay, but before I could answer, the nurse finally came out.  She took me up to the second floor and I attempted at casually saying hi to my friends in the hallway.  Because, you know I'm always super pale and in a wheelchair, no big deal, nothin new.

After she cleaned my cut, I rested in the nurses office with an ice pack on my thumb and regained my color.  She finally let me go back to class.  I was no longer light headed, but my thumb was throbbing and every time I tried to grab something with my right hand, all the blood rushed to my thumb and it felt like rubbing hand sanitizer on an open wound and then setting fire under your skin.(Okay, little bit of an exaggeration there.) 

 Disabled, I went to math and after attempting several times to peel my clementine one-handed, I succumbed and asked my friend to peel it for me.  I got through the day, but had to retell everything to my mom when I  got home.

So I guess it was more of a day than a moment, but it really was extremely embarrassing. 

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