Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Jar Story Prediction

"Hi Troy." Said Molly.

"Mmmbabablem" Mumbled Troy as he pushed past her, eyes glazed over.

Troy walked the whole way home and when he went through the front door and his mom greeted him, he didn't respond.  "Troy, it's rude to ignore me.  Say hi back."  Troy turned around and looked at her.  She gasped.  "Your eyes are so glassy, did you do drugs?" Troy just looked at her.  "Troy!  Answer me!"  "Steven, come quick, something's wrong with Troy."

As his father ran to his mother, Troy  started wandering up the stairs.

"Troy, come back here."  Said his father.  He kept on walking and his dad ran up the stairs and went in front of him.  Shaking him by the shoulders, he screamed "what is wrong with you?!  You are scaring your mother!"

Meanwhile, Molly was in Mr.Mason's house.  She had snuck in after Mr.Mason had left for town.  She was terrified, but she had to do this for Troy.  She had a theory and if it was right, then she would be able to save Troy.  Molly wandered through the creepy house until she stumbled into what looked like a science lab.  At the back of the room was a sheet covering something with a rectangle shape.  Drawing back the curtain, Molly's hairs prickled at the back of her neck.  Behind the sheet was a big book shelf that was holding probably fifty mason jars, all filled with different colors and labeled with names.  She gasped when she found a purple filled jar labeled "Troy".

Suddenly, she froze.  There were car squelches coming from outside.  Quickly, she grabbed Troy's jar and recovered the shelf.  Before, when she was exploring, she had discovered a back door.  She slipped through that now and continued sprinting into the woods.  The woods weren't thick, only about a quarter mile or so.  She came out the other side and tripped over a root.  Try as she might, she couldn't hold on to the jar and it slipped through her hands and smashed against the ground.  Awed, she watched as a silvery fog drifted from the purple goo and headed east.  Molly scrambled to get up and she followed it.  It led her to Troy's house.  Breathing hard, Molly ringed the doorbell.  A zombified Troy answered the door and as soon as he did, the silvery stuff went into him.  He inhaled sharply and rocked back on his heels.  "Mr. Mason this is awesome!  I-"

Molly cut him off with a hug.  Her theory had been right.  Troy's eyes focused on her and his face turned into a baffled expression.  "Molly, what happened to the science room?"

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