Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Grimm Point of View

I'm stuck in a fairytale with no happy ending.
Cinderella's has to do her chores.
Sleeping Beauty has to lay there, forever waiting.
Snow White has to flee from the Queen.
Ariel has to talk without a voice.
But I constantly have to deal with you, the reader.  You're always babbling on about how my stories are so unrealistic.  Well, you wanna know why?  It's because I never get an "all ends well" day, so the least I can do is give that to my characters. 

I bet you're already thinking but no, the fairytales are written by the Brothers Grimm, not a little girl.  Well, you judgemental know-it-all reader, you are wrong.  I wrote all the stories.  My brothers just didn't think it was right to have a girl writer.  They thought I would bring shame upon the family name.  So, they took the credit.  I told everyone that I wrote the stories, but no one would believe a little girl over two full grown men.  They sold hundreds of books filled with my stories, and do you know what they did when the readers wanted more?  They came crawling back to me and begged me to write more stories.  Right now I'm considering whether to make some sort of deal with them or to just laugh in their faces and refuse.

I got it!  I'll tell them that as long as they admit to everyone that it was their little sister that wrote the stories, I'll write another book full of fairytales.  Of course, I'll also get half of the income.  Oh yeah! I'm going to be the richest kid in town, or maybe even the world.

Now you're probably thinking, but why is your life so unhappy?   That's because I only have a few more months to live.  A couple months ago, I was diagnosed with a disease that spreads across the body and slowly shuts it down.  It's already spread all the way up my legs.  I can't walk.  The doctor says I will lose the use of my hands in a couple weeks.  That means no writing.  Writing is my life, so if my writing goes, it makes sense that my life goes as well.

I better start writing, while I still can.

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