Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wacky Words

Who created these words that we speak?   Why is something that sounds like baloney spelled bologna?  What is up with who ever wrote these crazy words?  Did they want us to have a really hard time learning how to spell?

Ever heard about homophones and homonyms?  I or is it eye? She read the book that you will read.  I grazed my knee on the sidewalk as the cow grazed in the meadow. 

What about words within words? You can have u and she can have he, but how come I can't be in me?  Eat is in heat.  Are is in care.  Eel is in feel. 

Oh, and try flipping some words around.  Live turns into evil.  Since when is living evil? 

Well, eye just wanted too let u no about these weird words.  Just something two think about.  O, and do knot forget to remember these wards when u have a spelling test!

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