Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Live Your Life Without a Lump of Lies

I doubt you've ever met a person that has never told a lie.  The reason?  All of our lives are built on lies.

It'll be okay, the #1 lie in the world.  Why do we lie to reassure others? Lies are deceiving and so we lie to others so they lie to themselves.  They tell themselves it will be okay.  Even if they're in the hospital, dying of a fatal disease.  It won't be okay, but let's all pretend it will be.  Lies are horrible. 

Ever heard the expression "it's just a little white lie?  I do not think they should be called white lies. The color white implies innocence.  Lies are not innocent.

What you don't know won't hurt you.  Ever heard of that one?  So apparently if you don't know that your husband is cheating on you, it won't hurt you.  Or if someone broke into your house and is stealing your most precious and valuable items, it won't hurt you if you don't know.  Lies ruin lives.

Each person is living on one big temple of lies, ready to crumble and collapse at any given moment.  People like you better, you can achieve more, you gain more, and you get stronger from lies.  Yet the lies themselves are weak, feeble, and can easily be discovered.  Why do we depend on something so weak when we are so strong without it?

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