Thursday, April 25, 2013

"A Clean, Well-lighted Place" Story Vs. Film

Three main things bothered me about the film adaptation of the story. Firstly, the older waiter sat in a strange position.  It was like a "pregnant lady slouch".  I get that the director might not have wanted any shadow on the older waiter, but there are other ways to make that happen.  No one sits like that.  It's extremely uncomfortable. Secondly, when the older waiter thinks the prayers and replaces words with "nothing", that was the worst part of the film. It got so loud and annoying, it gave me a headache, and since he was Irish and saying prayers, the whole film almost seemed to be a bad imitation of The Boondock Saints. Lastly, I thought how they ended the film was totally awkward.  The older waiter walks down a road in early morning, and birds are squawking.  This bothered me because with all the squawking, I felt like he was about to be attacked by birds or something.

I didn't like how the older waiter was portrayed, but I did like how in the bar that the older waiter went to, there was music playing and he commented on how the counter was unpolished.  I liked this because in the story, the older waiter says you want a bar to be well-lighted, clean, and to not have music.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I agree with everything that you said. It was very interesting how you talk about it.
