Monday, September 17, 2012

The Most Important Part (DWA)

There are a lot of people that think the brain is the most important part of the body.  Others think it’s the heart, or even our legs.  We have to realize that in fact all of us are wrong.  Think of the human body as a factory, and all of our organs and body parts as employees.  All of the employees have an important job, but they also depend on the other employees to do their jobs.  If something were to  go wrong it would be like a chain reaction of disaster.  The brain, the heart, and the legs are all needed to make humans function.

The brain is what makes us move.  It’s where our thoughts come from.  Think of it as the control center for our body , or the manager of a factory.  It gives out the commands.  Without it, we wouldn’t be able to do anything.   The brain is the most vital for our physical being.

The heart is also important  physically because it pumps blood through our bodies.  If our hearts stop pumping, we stop moving, and the whole factory shuts down.  Emotionally, we need our hearts as well.  Love comes from the heart.  Sometimes love is the only reason we get up in the morning, the only reason we keep going.   For without love, there is no life. 

Though without legs, we have no destination. A life without a destination is a life without a point. There is no stopping point if there is no starting point.  If you don’t have legs, you can’t go anywhere.  We need our legs to keep the factory running.

All three of these body parts are important, and none of them more than another.  The brain cannot do anything without the heart, and the legs can’t do anything without the brain.  Everything in the human body depends on another thing in order to function.  The ability to depend on others is what makes us human.  We have to realize that before we go around saying who’s the most important.

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