Thursday, December 15, 2011

Total Darkness

Author's note: I wrote this poem last year.       
Total darkness, there’s never any light. 
No sun in the sky, no shadows in the night.
There are no stars in the sky, at night there is no moon.
There is no warmth; the sun doesn’t come out at morning, night, or noon.
When I first found out that we were moving to total darkness, I asked why, but I never found out.
No light at all, no lamps, candles, or matches, this made me want to shout!
One day, I just got too angry, I ran away from home.
I didn’t go far, just to the end of the road where there was a house in the shape of a dome. 
I wanted to go inside and out of the cold, so I raised my fist and I knocked on the door.
They let me in, and the house was upside down, so when I walked on the ceiling, I was really on the floor!
When I asked why their house was upside down, they said they didn’t know!
I thought this was getting kind of weird so I said I had to go.
I ran out of the house and down the street.
I was running so fast that I was already at the end of the garden where we grew carrots, tomatoes, and beets.
Then, I rushed through the door, glad to be back,
Even though our home was only a shack.
I went to bed and pretended that I was never away.
I was glad to be home and I planned to stay.

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