Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Birds

Author's Note: This piece was inspired by the picture below.  I wrote this piece because I didn't find the horse picture inspiring.  This picture is from they have a ton of really cool and inspiring pictures.
They're after us all. 
They want us to die.
In order to live,
We must sacrifice
Give them our beauties
Give them our young
Give them our healthy
Give them our done
Yes, yes.  That's all good.
But what, do tell,
Do we do when they
Start wanting the givers?

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Many people have jobs where they sit in tightly packed, tiny, square cubicles.  I just have one question for them.  How?  How do they live?

I'm sorry, but I just don't understand how someone can sit in an uncomfortable chair and stare at a computer screen all day.  No windows, no stretching space.  Just the same old four white walls.  Everyday.  The only sounds, copy machines and ticking clocks.  I'd be the worst employee ever if I had a cubicle job.  I'd bring in a beanbag and paint and I'd slap some color on my four walls.  Next, I'd bring in a radio, crank the music.  Then, I'd start doing some demolition and renovation.  I'd take out all surrounding cubicles to expand my own.    Also, I'd take a sledgehammer and bash a hole in the wall to create my own little window.

Only then would I be able to stand being in a cubicle.  That is, of course, if my boss hadn't fired me yet.

When the fighting has ceased
You will come to believe
You don't have to deceive
To achieve
There's beauty in every beast
There's music in every sound
Just look all around
There's magic to be found

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What Makes a Whole

What is hope?
Tis but just a sliver of the moon
What is love?
Tis a farthing of the whole.
What is pride?
Tis a half of the moon and the man.
What is want?
Tis the greedy thing that takes it all and swallows it whole.

What room then is left for my dreams?
Dreams can stay not for long.  For now they can stay on the points, but when the moon rounds, your dreams will fall.

We are all forever condemning our dreams to hang, on the edge of the moon.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Note To Self, Never Do That Again

Author's Note: This is a fake letter from my future self to my younger self that I would give to my younger self if in the future if I could time travel.  This is most likely not what my future self's opinion will be.

Dear Younger Self;...(Is that how you address yourself in a letter? I don't know.  Would Dear Me sound better?  Or how bout Dear You/Me?  No, no.  I'll just go with the first one.)  Okay, so, Dear Younger Self,

I'm writing this letter to you because I am from your future and, let me tell ya, it's not that great.  Here are some things to better your future.

How old are you?  Like three?   Oh, so you probably can't read this... alright, I'm back.  I installed a voice box to read this to you when you open the letter.  What was I thinking about?... Oh yeah.  You're three.  My earliest memory is from when I was three and my cousin Sean stole my sunflower seeds.  How to fix this:  Steal them back!  If you want those seeds, fight for them.

Next memory, loving Barbies and insisting that you get a Barbie ornament for Christmas.  Word of Advice: Do not like Barbies!!! You did not need to be obsessed with them for three years of your life.  They are just stupid pieces of plastic.  Do something cool and melt them.

Hmm, other memories.  Oh, in second grade, do not like Alfredo just because his name is the same as a sauce you put on noodles.  That is not an attractive trait.

Let's jump a bit forward.  Do not get married to Richard.  Your initials become MAE.  That what he calls you for the rest of your marriage.  He also makes all these stupid jokes like "MAE-be we could go see that movie"  or "It's May first, but MAE will always come first in my book."  It was cute at first, but it got really annoying, really fast.  You begin to hate the word "may" and are thrilled when you find out he is cheating on you and you finally have a reason for a divorce.

And lastly,  DO NOT THINK GO BANANAS FOR MONKEYS and GO MONKEY FOR BANANAS are good titles for your two books about Death.

I know this is a lot for a three year old to take in,but it's important that you know and understand these things so you can change them.  Perhaps you should just re-read each paragraph when it is relevant to that age.  Anyway,besides those things, your life is perfect.  So just do me a favor and fix them, will ya?  Thanks.

Loving how awesome we are,

Your future self

The Hobbit's Constant Struggle

 Author's Note: This piece is talking about the theme of J.R.R. Tolkien's  The Hobbit.  This is for my reading score.

Trolls, goblins, elves, dwarves, everything The Lord of the Rings trilogy has, The Hobbit has as well.  The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien's prelude to The Lord of the Rings, is about a hobbit that goes on a long journey with thirteen dwarves to kill a dragon and win gold.  Things don't go as planned and the caravan ends up falling off their path several times before they reach the dragon's lair.  I broke down the book and discovered that there were basically eight main struggles that the characters had to get through.  Due to the fact that there were so many obstacles, I believe that the theme of The Hobbit is constant struggle.

Goblins, being the nasty creatures that they are, were one of the struggles that the group had to get through.  They faced the goblins thrice; in the goblin's tunnels, in the forest when they joined forces with the wargs, and again with the wargs in the valley.   They also had to fight the spiders in the forest of  Mirkwood.  The troop fought all these creatures to get to their main enemy, Smaug the dragon.  Ironically, after all that,  they didn't even get to kill him; a lake-man ended up killing him!

Although there was many a good sword fight in this book, a lot of the struggles were mental ones that depended on knowledge and cleverness.   The first struggle happened before Bilbo even left his hobbit-hole.  For, the first struggle happened within Bilbo as the "Took half" of him battled the "Baggins half".   Gandalf had his turn to show his knowledge as well when he kept the trolls fighting until sunlight came and turned them to stone.  In the goblin tunnels, another obstacle appeared and Bilbo had a riddle-game with Gollum to decide whether or not Bilbo lived.  He won, though it was mostly because of luck. 

  Though Mr.Tolkien may argue for a different theme, I would still vouch for constant struggle. Always fight for what you believe in and as long as you have proof to support your opinion, who's to tell you you're wrong?

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Language Arts

L.A. stands for language arts.  What do you do in language arts? You write. In Art class you draw, paint and sculpt.  Both are arts, yet people don't consider authors artists. 

What can so-called "artists" do that authors can't?  Authors paint too, they just use a pencil instead of a brush.  The reader's mind is their canvas and words are their paint, hence, "painting a picture with words".  They create the same beautiful pieces, they just use different tools.

There were three types of artists; drawers, painters, and sculptors; but now, there's a fourth.  Authors are artists.