Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Patriot's Pen Essay

“I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free” –Lee Greenwood God Bless America
    If you ask me if I’m proud of my country, I’d say yes.  I mean, sure, America has its faults, but so does every other country.  We need to realize this and focus on its assets.  America has made magnificent accomplishments, that and our freedom is what makes me proud.
“That’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind” –Neil Armstrong
    Our best known achievement is probably Neil Armstrong walking on the moon.  It was a great accomplishment because we  were the first country to have someone walk on the moon.   Perhaps the most important achievement was the bill of rights- the bill that is responsible for our freedom.
    In America, we are free.  Free to speak our opinion and free to write that opinion in the                                                                                                                       newspaper- that’s freedom of speech and freedom of the press.  We are free to have a choice.  Though some of our choices get made for  by our caretakers, most of them are ours to make. We get to choose what classes we wanted to take for middle school.  Later on in life we will get to choose what college we want to go to.  When we are adults, we will be able to vote.
    Step back and take a look at our  achievements.  They’re pretty great.   Having freedom, that makes America even better. It’s an honor to be gifted with the privilege of freedom.

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