Friday, October 7, 2011

Color Essay

            The world would be so dull and boring without colors.  There would be no originality.  What do you think the world be like and how would it affect jobs if Earth had no color?

            What do you think of when you hear the word Christmas?  Perhaps a house or yard covered with multi-color lights, decorations, and plastic Santa’s.  Now think of it in black and white.  It lost some of its grandness now didn’t it?  That’s how all holidays would be.  St.Patrick’s day would be pretty drab if no one could even tell if you were wearing green or not.  Think of clothes.  You would always be wearing the same color as everyone else.  That would get annoying after a while.  What if your cat ran away? How are you supposed to describe it on a missing poster, small cat that responds to Mittens?  That doesn’t give people a lot to go off of.  Maybe your family all have the same kind of toothbrush, just different colors.  Then color is taken away.  How are you supposed to tell them apart from each other now?

            If you really think about it, a lot of people’s jobs depend on color.  For example, artists.  Their paintings wouldn’t be nearly as good as it would be with color.  People wouldn’t appreciate their masterpieces.  Authors and poets, also would be affected.  Their books would be so dull.  They wouldn’t be able to describe the beauty of a sunset, or anything that has color.  It would be like this, she was tall with pretty hair and gorgeous eyes and she wore a fluffy dress and no shoes.  Compared to this, She was tall with chestnut-brown hair that had ocean-blue highlights.  Her gorgeous eyes were a light blue that almost matched the streaks in her hair.  She wore a fluffy dress that was bright yellow and made her look like she was wearing a ray of sunshine, and wore no shoes so you could see her pink and orange-striped toe nails.

            Color is also for safety.  Examples include, stop- and- go lights and identifying venomous snakes and spiders.  Traffic would be so much worse without stop-and-go lights, and camping or rock climbing would be so much more dangerous.

            If the government decided to eliminate color, would you take action and protest, or would you just stand back and watch?  What would you be willing to lose in order to keep color? Wouldn’t you miss the leaves turning colors during autumn?

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