Friday, September 6, 2013

That Perfect Volume

Mine is 14 on my crappy MP3 player.  What is so perfect about this volume is that it is just before the omg-going deaf- hearing loss volume. And every beat of the music courses through your body and, for the first time, you don't just listen to the music, you feel it.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

No Life

I grew up in a small town with a small school and a little run down gas station.  Everything was simple and small.  This is why we took it so bad when the zombies came. They hit Tennessee the hardest, and, well, there weren't many survivors. Kentucky they left alone, some rumor goin round bout them not likin horses much.

Our little town was on the border between the two states, so we weren't sure what was gonna happen. Were we gonna live, or were we goners? I had read books about the 'pocalypse, but they were nothin like actually bein in one. No food, but cha ain't hungry cause ya eatin fear all day. Mamma says we gotta make the best out of it, find the silva linin, but there ain't one. Everything's gray. The grass, the sky, the trees. The birds stopped singin and the wind stopped blowin. Never before has our quiet town been so silent.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Audience

The audience is one and as one, the audience reacts to everything.  Every movement, every facial expression.  Nothing can be hidden from its all-absorbing eye. 

My Love Song To You

I just want to know,
Do you like Disney?
Are you my fairytale?
Do you have a glass slipper,
Or maybe a horse, white as snow.

I'll be a house maid, you'll be charming
I'll be sweepin floors and you'll sweep me off my feet
I'll be distressed, you'll be in armor
I'll be poor as dirt, your proposal will be alarming

You'll be my prince, I'll be your princess
A cardboard box will be a castle
As long as I have you

No matter how long it takes,
I'll be waiting for you
It's never to late to
Come around the corner,
Come around the bend
I'll be waiting for you until the world ends

I Love You

I love you to the end of the earth and back.  To the skies and the Heavens above.  Between rivers and in the depths of crevices, you will always find my love for you.

Track Meet

 Author's Note: Super old piece! It's not that great of a piece, but I still wanted to post it.

She yawned and rested her head against the back of the bus seat. It had been a long day, and the track meet had been cold and windy. Melody was comfortable now, though, cross-legged and barefoot.

Gazing out the window, she watched as the bus's flashing light strobe-lighted the dark night, giving glimpses of forests and fields.  It was peaceful as she sat there, listening to the soft murmur of voices as she ate her pretzel chips. 

I'm Done With You

How do you describe our love?

hanging on by a thread

How do you describe our love?

a waste of time?

If our time together was so worthless, then why are you wasting your breath talking about it?!  Go back in the well that you crawled out of. Stay in the darkness, I don't ever want the same sun touching both our faces with light ever again. I'm done with you.